Making Passenger

Giuseppe Sollazzo: What's the biggest enabler of transport innovation today?

Passenger Season 1 Episode 10
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00:00 | 28:36

To answer that question - and get our brains ticking over with many more - we welcomed Giuseppe Sollazzo, Head of Data at the DfT, to sit down with Matt and Tom for the final episode of Making Passenger series 1. 

Giuseppe broke down NaPTAN, NAP and threw a few more anacronyms at us for good measure! We talked about why data is gathered and why it's so important to the public transport sector.  We looked at cases where data had been gathered before there was even a user need for it and considered how we link data structures to user need.

Giuseppe's passion for data and open data is possibly unparalleled, so he was the perfect person to join us in pondering how we can use data to enable engagement and innovation across the public transport sector and beyond.